Here are a few answers to your questions:

Question 1: What is the purpose of this website?

Answer 1: My friend, Grady (Gave me permission to use his name), wanted me to buy this website and make it his bio.

Question 2: What happened to the android emulator?

Answer 2: frogiee1, the creator of it, gave up trying to bypass detections with the emulator, so I'm left with nothing until he does something, I guess...

Question 3: Why the heck do you have so many websites?

Answer 3: I do it for fun.

Question 4: What do you mean by XML unblocking?

Answer 4: jsdelivr makes this possible by importing an .xml file with HTML5 code in it, it makes it so it can render on google's websites, resulting in it not being blocked. 🔥

Question 5: Do you make or provide unblocked games?

Answer 5: No.

(If this did not help you, email me at [email protected])